using System;using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Text;
using System.Drawing.Printing;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Collections;
namespace PrintControl
public partial class ControlPrint : PrintDocument
private Control m_ctrl;
private bool stretch;
/// <summary>
/// Set true to stretch the control to fill a single printed page
/// </summary>
public bool StretchControl
set { stretch = value; }
get { return stretch; }
private int width;
private int height;
/// <summary>
/// The width of the control to print. You can change this value if the automatically
/// calculated width does not fit all the elements of the control
/// </summary>
public int PrintWidth
set { width = value; }
get { return width; }
/// <summary>
/// The height of the control to print. You can change this value if the automatically
/// calculated height does not fit all the elements of the control
/// </summary>
public int PrintHeight
set { height = value; }
get { return height; }
private int inbetween;
/// <summary>
/// The area to be reprinted between pages if there are more than one
/// pages to be printed, to prevent data loss
/// </summary>
public int RepeatArea
get { return inbetween; }
set { inbetween = value; }
/// <summary>
/// Default constructor
/// </summary>
public ControlPrint()
m_ctrl = new Control();
stretch = false;
width = m_ctrl.Width;
height = m_ctrl.Height;
inbetween = 10;
/// <summary>
/// Intialize the component with the selected control
/// </summary>
/// <param name="print">The control to printed</param>
public ControlPrint(Control print)
stretch = false;
inbetween = 10;
/// <summary>
/// Initialize the component with the selected control specifying
/// whether to stretch or not
/// </summary>
/// <param name="print">The control to be printed</param>
/// <param name="Stretch">Set true to stretch the control to fill a single printed page</param>
public ControlPrint(Control print, bool Str)
stretch = Str;
inbetween = 10;
/// <summary>
/// Initialize the component with the selected control specifying
/// specific width and height
/// </summary>
/// <param name="print">The control to be printed</param>
/// <param name="Width">Printed width</param>
/// <param name="Height">Printed height</param>
public ControlPrint(Control print, int Width, int Height)
stretch = false;
width = Width;
height = Height;
inbetween = 10;
/// <summary>
/// Intialize the component with a specific container, Insignificant
/// </summary>
/// <param name="container"></param>
private ControlPrint(IContainer container)
m_ctrl = new Control();
stretch = false;
inbetween = 10;
/// <summary>
/// Set the control to be printed
/// </summary>
/// <param name="print">The control you wish to print</param>
public void SetControl(Control print)
m_ctrl = print;
Size NewSize = m_ctrl.GetPreferredSize(Size.Empty);
width = NewSize.Width;
height = NewSize.Height;
printedheight = 0;
/// <summary>
/// Set the control with a specified height & width
/// </summary>
/// <param name="print">The control to be printed</param>
/// <param name="Width">Control's width</param>
/// <param name="Height">Control's height</param>
public void SetControl(Control print, int Width, int Height)
m_ctrl = print;
width = Width;
height = Height;
printedheight = 0;
private int printedheight;
private void ControlPrint_PrintPage(object sender, PrintPageEventArgs e)
//We get the old status of the control
Size NewSize = new Size(width, height);
DockStyle OldDock = m_ctrl.Dock;
Size OldSize = new Size(m_ctrl.Width, m_ctrl.Height);
Control parent = m_ctrl;
List<Control> Parents = new List<Control>();
List<Size> OldSizes = new List<Size>();
//enumerate the parents
while (parent.Parent != null)
parent = parent.Parent;
//Change the size of the control to fullt display it and get rid of scrollbars
m_ctrl.Dock = DockStyle.None;
m_ctrl.Size = NewSize;
//Make sure that the size changes otherwise resize the parents
while (m_ctrl.Size == OldSize)
foreach (Control c in Parents)
c.Size = new Size(c.Width + 100, c.Height + 100);
m_ctrl.Size = NewSize;
//print dimentions will be according to page size and margins
int printwidth = width;
int printheight = height;
//change the width to fit the paper, and change the height to maintain the ratio
if (printwidth > e.MarginBounds.Width)
printheight = (int)(((float)e.MarginBounds.Width / (float)printwidth) * printheight);
printwidth = e.MarginBounds.Width;
//if too long, we will need more papers
if (printheight - printedheight > e.MarginBounds.Height && !stretch)
e.HasMorePages = true;
e.HasMorePages = false;
GraphicsUnit gp = GraphicsUnit.Point;
Bitmap b = new Bitmap(width, height);
//Good, now we can draw
m_ctrl.DrawToBitmap(b, new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height));
//Will we stretch the image?
if (stretch)
e.Graphics.DrawImage(b, e.MarginBounds, b.GetBounds(ref gp), gp);
e.HasMorePages = false;
//If not stretched then make sure to print the area of the current page only
float ScaleF = (float)height / (float)printheight;
printheight -= printedheight;
if (printheight > e.MarginBounds.Height)
printheight = e.MarginBounds.Height;
Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(0, (int)(printedheight * ScaleF), b.Width, (int)(printheight * ScaleF));
Bitmap b2 = b.Clone(rect, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.DontCare);
e.Graphics.DrawImage(b2, new Rectangle((e.PageBounds.Width/2) - (printwidth/2), e.MarginBounds.Top, printwidth, printheight));
if (e.HasMorePages)
//Change the printed height, and don't forget the RepeatArea
printedheight += e.MarginBounds.Height - inbetween;
printedheight = 0;
//Restore the control's state
for (int i = 0; i < Parents.Count; i++)
Parents.Size = OldSizes;
m_ctrl.Size = new Size(OldSize.Width, OldSize.Height);
m_ctrl.Dock = OldDock;
/// <summary>
/// Draw the control fully to a bitmap & return it
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public Bitmap GetBitmap()
//Get old states
Size NewSize = new Size(width, height);
DockStyle OldDock = m_ctrl.Dock;
Size OldSize = new Size(m_ctrl.Width, m_ctrl.Height);
Control parent = m_ctrl;
List<Control> Parents = new List<Control>();
List<Size> OldSizes = new List<Size>();
while (parent.Parent != null)
parent = parent.Parent;
m_ctrl.Dock = DockStyle.None;
m_ctrl.Size = NewSize;
while (m_ctrl.Size == OldSize)
foreach (Control c in Parents)
c.Size = new Size(c.Width + 100, c.Height + 100);
m_ctrl.Size = NewSize;
Bitmap b = new Bitmap(width, height);
m_ctrl.DrawToBitmap(b, new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height));
//Restore states
for (int i = 0; i < Parents.Count; i++)
Parents.Size = OldSizes;
m_ctrl.Size = new Size(OldSize.Width, OldSize.Height);
m_ctrl.Dock = OldDock;
return b;
private List<TreeNode> Nodes; // All enumerated nodes are here
private void EnumNodes(TreeNode TN)
if (!Nodes.Contains(TN) && (TN.Parent == null || (TN.Parent != null && TN.Parent.IsExpanded)))
//Enum all subnodes of the current node
foreach (TreeNode R in TN.Nodes)
/// <summary>
/// Return the best size that fits the control
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public Size CalculateSize()
//Identify the control's type
if (m_ctrl.GetType().AssemblyQualifiedName.IndexOf("TreeView") >= 0)
if (((TreeView)m_ctrl).Nodes.Count == 0)
//if no elemts return 1X1 to avoid exceptions
return new Size(1, 1);
int TempW = 0, TempH = 0;
Nodes = new List<TreeNode>();
foreach (TreeNode T in ((TreeView)m_ctrl).Nodes)
foreach (TreeNode N in Nodes)
if (TempW < N.Bounds.Right)
TempW = N.Bounds.Right;
TempH = Nodes.Count * ((TreeView)m_ctrl).ItemHeight;
return new Size(TempW + 30, TempH + 30);
else if (m_ctrl.GetType().AssemblyQualifiedName.IndexOf("ListView") >= 0)
if (((ListView)m_ctrl).Items.Count > 0)
//This will work if the listview is in details mode
int tempwidth = ((ListView)m_ctrl).Items.Bounds.Width;
int tempheight = ((ListView)m_ctrl).Items[((ListView)m_ctrl).Items.Count - 1].Bounds.Bottom;
//This is for other modes
foreach (ListViewItem i in ((ListView)m_ctrl).Items)
if (tempwidth < i.Bounds.Right)
tempwidth = i.Bounds.Right;
if (tempheight < i.Bounds.Bottom)
tempheight = i.Bounds.Bottom;
return new Size(tempwidth + 30, tempheight + 30);
return new Size(1, 1);
else if (m_ctrl.Controls.Count > 0)
//Just in case the form didn't calculate its PreferredSize properly
int tempwidth = 1;
int tempheight = 1;
foreach (Control c in m_ctrl.Controls)
if (c.Bounds.Right > tempwidth)
tempwidth = c.Bounds.Right;
if (c.Bounds.Bottom > tempheight)
tempheight = c.Bounds.Bottom;
return new Size(tempwidth, tempheight);
return new Size(m_ctrl.PreferredSize.Width, m_ctrl.PreferredSize.Height);
return Size.Empty;
/// <summary>
/// Apply the best size that fits the control
/// </summary>
public void ApplyBestSize()
Size temp = CalculateSize();
width = temp.Width;
height = temp.Height;
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