crkix 发表于 2015-1-20 14:23:50

Reflexil——The .NET Assembly Editor

简单的说这个东东可以用来修改dll的代码,并保存成一个新的dll。按照它自己的说法叫做dll注入工具。单看这一点似乎没什么。 但这个插件的功能却是很强大。


Reflexil is an assembly editor and runs as a plug-in for Red Gate's Reflector, ILSpy and Telerik's JustDecompile. Reflexil is using Mono.Cecil, written byJb Evain and is able to manipulate IL code and save the modified assemblies to disk. Reflexil also supports C#/VB.NET code injection.

alexfeng1 发表于 2015-1-24 12:25:49

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