NEGAHEFARDA 发表于 2015-6-25 21:10:35

下载 - Pluralsight Training DevExpress CodeRush and Refactor!

本帖最后由 NEGAHEFARDA 于 2015-6-25 21:11 编辑

Training DevExpress CodeRush and Refactor!Using the DevExpress CodeRush and Refactor! Productivity Toolspluralsight By Oliver Sturm
Complete 64 Files- Duration 5h 3m

DescriptionThis course describes the product package CodeRush and Refactor! by DevExpress. It takes you through features for understanding code, creating new code, refactoring, and all the support functionality offered by this exciting Visual Studio integrated productivity package.

Oliver Sturm
Oliver Sturm is a consultant and trainer on topics around .NET software architecture. An Associate Consultant at thinktecture, he is also well known as an author of training classes and articles, an expert on programming languages and a Microsoft C# MVP, and for his experience in the specialized area of DevExpress UI components and frameworks. Check out for more information about him!

Table of contents :

DevExpress CodeRush and Refactor! -Introduction 12:59

[*]Overview of CodeRush and   Refactor! Features2:02

[*]Tools that help you get started0:49

[*]Demo: Tools that help you get   started 1:58

[*]Recommended basic configuration   steps 0:38

[*]Demo: Recommended basic configuration   steps 6:42

[*]Summary 0:22
DevExpress CodeRush and Refactor! -Understanding Existing Code 55:50

[*]Navigation Features4:58

[*]Demo: Navigation Features16:21

[*]Visualization Features 4:17

[*]Demo: Visualization Features 10:09

[*]The References Tool Window 1:09

[*]Demo: The References Tool   Window 2:45

[*]Running Unit Tests 1:24

[*]Demo: Running Unit Tests 3:31

[*]Configuring the features in   this module 1:15

[*]Demo: Configuring the features   in this module 7:38

[*]Summary 0:44
DevExpress CodeRush and Refactor! -Changing Code 49:09

[*]The Member Mover1:00

[*]Demo: The Member Mover4:46

[*]Selection and clipboard   functionality8:12

[*]Demo: Selection and clipboard   basics 9:48

[*]Demo: Intelligent Paste 6:04

[*]Demo: Selection Embedding 5:59

[*]Demo: Changing visibility 2:27

[*]Code Providers 2:43

[*]Demo: Code Providers 6:18

[*]Summary 0:48
DevExpress CodeRush and Refactor! -Writing New Code 46:58

[*]Convenience Features2:57

[*]Demo: Convenience Features6:38

[*]Templates 4:36

[*]Demo: Templates 21:47

[*]Test-first development 1:37

[*]Demo: Test-first development 7:40

[*]Summary 0:36
DevExpress CodeRush and Refactor! -Refactoring 29:59
[*]Overview and Theory 6:01

[*]Demo: Refactoring23:25

[*]Summary 0:33
DevExpress CodeRush and Refactor! -Code Analysis and Automatic Cleanup 23:48
[*]Overview 0:43

[*]Code Issues 2:24

[*]Demo: Code Issues 8:22

[*]Code Metrics 1:31

[*]Demo: Code Metrics 6:34

[*]Automatic Cleanup 0:41

[*]Demo: Automatic Cleanup 3:00

[*]Summary 0:33
DevExpress CodeRush and Refactor! -Advanced Customization40:58
[*]Overview 0:39

[*]Contexts 1:45

[*]Shortcut Setup 1:44

[*]Demo: Contexts and Shortcuts 11:24

[*]Custom Templates3:33

[*]Demo: Custom Templates 21:32

[*]Summary 0:21
DevExpress CodeRush and Refactor! -Introduction to Custom Plug-Ins43:46

[*]Types of Plug-Ins 3:19

[*]Demo: Types of Plug-Ins 13:57

[*]Option Pages 0:58

[*]Demo: Option Pages 11:33

[*]APIs and tools for plug-in   developers 3:44

[*]Demo: APIs and tools for   plug-in developers 9:08


Download link :
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I'm almost sure that this training can not be found free on the web.
Guys If you liked this post do not forget rating !

heimuheimulm 发表于 2015-6-25 21:15:32


zhuzhicheng 发表于 2015-6-26 08:48:23


zyfhyc001 发表于 2015-6-26 08:58:40


polite0803 发表于 2015-6-26 09:01:05

Guys If you liked this post do not forget rating

johnsonshsu 发表于 2015-6-26 09:48:33


softboy99 发表于 2015-6-26 11:06:12


hxphuxiaoping 发表于 2015-6-26 11:20:48


望城 发表于 2015-6-26 11:42:34


阿力 发表于 2015-6-26 12:20:55


linuxsc 发表于 2015-6-26 12:46:23


chouaib 发表于 2015-6-26 22:02:34

this is good post
thank you

冥忆雪 发表于 2015-6-27 09:24:57


haylazzz 发表于 2015-6-27 15:26:33

thanks man...

yeifeng 发表于 2015-6-28 14:36:23


vstion 发表于 2015-6-30 13:31:54

yujunlee 发表于 2015-6-30 13:46:59


2303 发表于 2015-7-1 03:54:08

so better. thanx

edward_128 发表于 2015-7-1 05:08:02

tks for sharing

joycl1 发表于 2015-8-7 00:53:15


jxufesoft 发表于 2015-8-11 21:37:43


hyblusea 发表于 2015-8-11 21:41:49


xiaoforward 发表于 2015-8-22 20:20:46

Download to learning!

timer84 发表于 2015-11-5 22:22:09

let me download and check it out. thanks

chinatea001 发表于 2024-7-15 21:48:36

Thanks a lot~
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