本帖最后由 冰河之刃 于 2015-1-29 16:20 编辑
[size=14.7826089859009px] Kellerman Software Gold-Suite 是一个.net开发的控件包。具体功能请到其 网站 上仔细查看。 不多解释,懂的人自然懂,不懂的人解释一百遍也没有用。 [size=14.7826089859009px]
Kellerman Gold Suite
- Compare Access Databases with AccessDiff
- Encrypt Credit Cards, Passwords, Connection Strings and more with the Encryption Library
- Handle all FTP operations easily with Kellerman FTP
- Log to any target with the Kellerman Logger
- Generate tests for any testing framework from your C# or VB.NET code with NUnit Test Generator
- Create user friendly interfaces with the Themed Wizard
- Speed up your .NET, Silverlight, and Windows Phone applications with the .NET Caching Library
- Perform cutting edge email validation with the.NET Email Validation Library
- Find Unused Stored Procedures with the Unused Stored Procedures Tool
- Securely transfer files over SSH using the .NET SFTP Library
- ACID compliant database with LINQ, transactions, indexes, and more for Windows Phone 7, Silverlight and .NET.Ninja Database Pro
- We also have a database for WinRT (Windows Runtime) and Windows Phone 8. Ninja WinRT Database is built on the solid foundation of Ninja Database Pro. Ninja WinRT Database
- ORM, Query To Entity Mapper, LINQ Provider, Generator. All the best features of NHibernate, Entity Framework, Massive, LINQ and ADO.NET rolled into one incredible product; Knight .NET Data Access Layer
- Read and write CSV files with a single line of code with CSV Reports
- Compare strings, streams, and text files with the What's Changed? Library
- Create Excel files without Excel being installed with .NET Excel Reports
- Create reports based on Microsoft Word files without having Microsoft Word installed using .NET Word Reports
- Read and write to the registry, config files, and INI files with Config Helper Pro
- Easily create connection strings with the Connection String Creator.
本人只提供keygen,不提供安装包。 DownLoad