本指南描述了创建 drill-down 报表 的步骤。 在本例中,我们使用一个根据从报表带区创建的 主/从报表,它的每个类别的细节带区都可以通过 单击适当的链接 而被展开/折叠。 要查看总说明,请参阅 Drill-Down 报表

要创建 drill-down 报表,则执行下列操作。

  1. 使用从报表带区创建一个主/从报表

  2. 为了创建一个显示/隐藏从报表的链接,我们把一个标签控件拖放到报表的细节带区。

    把它的 XRControl.Text 属性修改为 Show DetailXRControl.Name 属性修改为 lblShowHide,并把 (DataBindings)Tag.Binding 属性设置为 CategoryID 数据字段。

  3. 在完成上述步骤之后,报表的外观应该像下图所示的那样。

  4. 现在,以下列方式接管标签控件的 BeforePrintPreviewClickPreviewMouseMove 事件以及 DetailReport 的 BeforePrint 事件:

    C#CopyCode image复制代码
    using System.Collections;
    using System.Windows.Forms;
    using System.Drawing.Printing;
    using DevExpress.XtraReports.UI;
    // ...
    // Declare two string constants, to store the label's Text value.
    const string sShowDetail = "Show Detail";
    const string sHideDetail = "Hide Detail";
    // Create an array containing IDs of the categories being expanded.
    ArrayList expandedValues = new ArrayList();
    // This function returns a value indicating whether a certain 
    // category's details should be expanded.
    bool ShouldShowDetail(int catID) {
        return expandedValues.Contains(catID);
    private void lbShowHide_BeforePrint(object sender, PrintEventArgs e) {
        XRLabel label = (XRLabel)sender;
        // Choose the label's text.
        if(ShouldShowDetail((int)label.Tag)) {
            label.Text = sHideDetail;
        else {
            label.Text = sShowDetail;
    private void DetailReport_BeforePrint(object sender, PrintEventArgs e) {
        // Cancel the Detail Report band's printing if necessary.
        e.Cancel = !ShouldShowDetail((int)GetCurrentColumnValue("CategoryID"));
    private void lbShowHide_PreviewClick(object sender, PreviewMouseEventArgs e) {
        // Obtain the category's ID stored in the label's Tag property.
        int index = (int)e.Brick.Value;
        // Determine whether the current category's details are shown.
        bool showDetail = ShouldShowDetail(index);
        // Toggle the visibility of the category's details.
        if(showDetail) {
        else {
        // Re-create a document to apply the changes.
    // The following code changes the cursor to "hand" when it hovers the label, 
    // so that it behaves as a common link.
    private void lbShowHide_PreviewMouseMove(object sender, PreviewMouseEventArgs e) {
        Cursor.Current = Cursors.Hand;
    Visual BasicCopyCode image复制代码
    Imports System.Collections
    Imports System.Windows.Forms
    Imports System.Drawing.Printing
    Imports DevExpress.XtraReports.UI
    ' ...
    ' Declare two string constants, to store the label's Text value.
    Private Const sShowDetail As String = "Show Detail"
    Private Const sHideDetail As String = "Hide Detail"
    ' Create an array containing IDs of the categories being expanded.
    Private expandedValues As New ArrayList()
    ' This function returns a value indicating whether a certain 
    ' category's details should be expanded.
    Private Function ShouldShowDetail(ByVal catID As Integer) As Boolean
        Return expandedValues.Contains(catID)
    End Function
    Private Sub lbShowHide_BeforePrint(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e _ 
    As PrintEventArgs) Handles lbShowHide.BeforePrint
        Dim label As XRLabel = CType(sender, XRLabel)
        ' Choose the label's text.
        If ShouldShowDetail(CInt(Fix(label.Tag))) Then
            label.Text = sHideDetail
            label.Text = sShowDetail
        End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub DetailReport_BeforePrint(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e _ 
    As PrintEventArgs) Handles DetailReport.BeforePrint
        ' Cancel the Detail Report band's printing if necessary.
        e.Cancel = Not ShouldShowDetail(CInt(Fix(GetCurrentColumnValue("CategoryID"))))
    End Sub
    Private Sub lbShowHide_PreviewClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e _ 
    As PreviewMouseEventArgs) Handles lbShowHide.PreviewClick
        ' Obtain the category's ID stored in the label's Tag property.
        Dim index As Integer = CInt(Fix(e.Brick.Value))
        ' Determine whether the current category's details are shown.
        Dim showDetail As Boolean = ShouldShowDetail(index)
        ' Toggle the visibility of the category's details.
        If showDetail Then
        End If
        ' Re-create a document to apply the changes.
    End Sub
    ' The following code changes the cursor to "hand" when it hovers the label, 
    ' so that it behaves as a common link.
    Private Sub lbShowHide_PreviewMouseMove(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e _ 
    As PreviewMouseEventArgs) Handles lbShowHide.PreviewMouseMove
        Cursor.Current = Cursors.Hand
    End Sub

现在 drill-down 报表已经就绪。 运行打印预览窗体,并查看结果。

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