
重要说明: .NET Client Profile Framework 不支持此功能。 要在最终用户的机器上使用此功能,则必须安装完整的 .NET Framework。 更多信息,请参阅 Windows 窗体部署 文档中的 关于 .NET Framework 4.0 Client Profile 的重要说明 小节。

这个示例展示了如何定制 最终用户设计器 中的停靠面板 —— Report Explorer(报表资源管理器)、Field List(字段列表)、Group and Sort(分组和排序)、Scripts Errors(脚本错误) 和属性网格。

要这样做,首先需要创建 XRDesignForm 类的一个实例。 然后,可以通过窗体的 XRDesignForm.DesignDockManagerXRDesignDockManager.Item 属性获取任意停靠面板。

为了使此示例能正确地工作,应该把所有 必需的程序集 (包括 XtraReports.v10.2.ExtensionsXtraBars.v10.2) 添加到项目的 引用 列表中。 并且 XtraReport1 类(派生于 XtraReport 类) 应该存在于示例应用程序中。

C#CopyCode image复制代码
using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using DevExpress.XtraBars.Docking;
using DevExpress.XtraReports.UserDesigner;
// ...

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
    // Create an End-User Designer form.
    XRDesignForm designForm = new XRDesignForm();

    // Open a new blank report in it.
    designForm.OpenReport(new XtraReport1());

    // Customize the Group and Sort panel.
    GroupAndSortDockPanel groupSort =
    groupSort.Visibility = DockVisibility.AutoHide;

    // Customize the Script Errors panel.
    ErrorListDockPanel errorList =
    errorList.Visibility = DockVisibility.AutoHide;

    // Customize the Field List panel.
    FieldListDockPanel fieldList =
    fieldList.ShowNodeToolTips = false;
    fieldList.ShowParametersNode = false;

    // Customize the Report Explorer panel.
    ReportExplorerDockPanel reportExplorer =

    // Customize the Property Grid panel.
    PropertyGridDockPanel propertyGrid =
    propertyGrid.ShowCategories = false;
    propertyGrid.ShowDescription = false;

    // Show the End-User Designer form.
Visual BasicCopyCode image复制代码
Imports System
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Imports DevExpress.XtraBars.Docking
Imports DevExpress.XtraReports.UserDesigner
' ...

Private Sub button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, _ 
ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles button1.Click
    ' Create an End-User Designer form.
    Dim designForm As New XRDesignForm()

    ' Open a new blank report in it.
    designForm.OpenReport(New XtraReport1())

    ' Customize the Group and Sort panel.
    Dim groupSort As GroupAndSortDockPanel = _ 
CType(designForm.DesignDockManager(DesignDockPanelType.GroupAndSort), GroupAndSortDockPanel)
    groupSort.Visibility = DockVisibility.AutoHide

    ' Customize the Script Errors panel.
    Dim errorList As ErrorListDockPanel = _ 
CType(designForm.DesignDockManager(DesignDockPanelType.ErrorList), ErrorListDockPanel)
    errorList.Visibility = DockVisibility.AutoHide

    ' Customize the Field List panel.
    Dim fieldList As FieldListDockPanel = _ 
CType(designForm.DesignDockManager(DesignDockPanelType.FieldList), FieldListDockPanel)
    fieldList.ShowNodeToolTips = False
    fieldList.ShowParametersNode = False

    ' Customize the Report Explorer panel.
    Dim reportExplorer As ReportExplorerDockPanel = _ 
CType(designForm.DesignDockManager(DesignDockPanelType.ReportExplorer), ReportExplorerDockPanel)

    ' Customize the Property Grid panel.
    Dim propertyGrid As PropertyGridDockPanel = _ 
CType(designForm.DesignDockManager(DesignDockPanelType.PropertyGrid), PropertyGridDockPanel)
    propertyGrid.ShowCategories = False
    propertyGrid.ShowDescription = False

    ' Show the End-User Designer form.
End Sub

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